CuseHacks participants

Create something awesome

Build, code, design, and learn during CuseHacks Beta 2024, running from March 1st to 31st!

Award ceremony: April 5th, 4pm in Link Hall Room 369.


An innovation marathon

You'll build an app, website, game, or any other tech project you can imagine!

Why should I participate?

Learn new skills, make a cool project, and even win a prize!

Who can participate

College students in the CNY area (undergraduate AND graduate students are both welcome).

Is this event in-person or virtual?

The kickoff and the awards ceremony will both be in-person. The rest of the hackathon will be remote.

Can I have a team?

For this month-long hackathon, no teams are allowed.

Is there a theme?

Nope! You can create whatever project you want using any platforms or languages that you want!

Can I submit a project that I have worked on before March 1?

No. All projects must be started during the hackathon in March

Can I submit class projects?

We discourage you from submitting a class project, but if you really want to, you must have done all of the work on the project during the month of March.

When and how do I submit my project?

You can submit your project anytime before April 1st. You should submit your project on our Devpost

What if I need help?

We are providing support both virtually and in-person. In-person support will be offered every Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00 PM in Life Sciences Room 011. For virtual support, check our Discord

Can I use ChatGPT or similar platforms to write my code?

While it is ok to use AI for quick questions or research, the vast majority of your code should be written by you. Any plagiarism or cheating will be disqualified. Any code from outside sources should be documented within your code as comments.

Can I spend money on my project?

We recommend you stick to free platforms, as we will not be providing funds.

Past sponsors

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